On Sunday, July 11th, we invite you to our Sunday service as we study how to apply “beareth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7) in our marriages. On that day, our church will celebrate Pastor and Mrs. Louie’s 40th wedding anniversary, 40 years of God’s grace. Cake and light refreshment will be served after service. 在 7 月 11 日星期日,我們邀請您來到教會參加主日敬拜,我們學習婚姻中的“凡事包容”(哥林多前書13:7)。那天,我們教會將慶祝雷牧師和师母40週年的結婚紀念日,見證40年來主的恩典!主日崇拜後提供蛋糕和零食。