We are going to have a joyous celebration of the birth of Christ and an all-church potluck on December 19th, Sunday, right after Sunday service. Please bring your favorite side dishes, desserts, or fruit plates to share with us. Social distancing will be observed. All windows and doors will be opened. The church will provide a major meat dish.
我們將於12月19日(週日)歡慶基督的誕生, 主日敬拜後舉辦全教會“每家一菜聖誕聚餐”,請帶來你拿手的飯菜、甜品、水果盤,與大家分享。繼續保持社交距離,我們會將門和窗都打開,教會會提供主菜肉食。歡迎網上預定參加:https://ccc-tacoma.com