雙語育兒系列座談會: 神與自信心 Bilingual Parenting Forum on God and Self-Confidence 5/23 @11:30am

We respond to the needs of our parents at ICCCT to have parenting forum, therefore, we are going to have our first bilingual (English/Mandarin) forum on 5/23 (Sunday) 11:30-12:30 on the parent’s choice topic of self-confidence.  Pastor Louie who earned a PhD in psychology from University of Washington will start an introduction on the biblical teaching on self-confidence, then he will provide an overview of self confidence from the perspectives of a psychologist.  Following by presentation of the findings and concerns on this topic from our parents, and then we will end with activity and an action plan for parents to practice at home.  ICCCT will provide childcare and a simple lunch.  We invite parents, grandparents and parents to be to join us.  Space is limited, please RSVP with iccctacoma@gmail.com 我們因應塔可瑪華人基督教會的父母們對於育兒論壇的需求,因此,我們將於5/23星期天11:30-12:30舉辦第一個由家長選擇的自信心主題雙語(英文/國語)座談會。  獲得華盛頓大學心理學博士學位的雷牧師將從神學上的自信心教導開始,再從心理學家的角度概述什麼是自信。  接著由我們的家長分享他們對於這個主題的研究結果和顧慮,最後以練習活動和回家後的行動計畫作為結束。  教會將會提供托兒服務及簡單午餐。  邀請家長們、祖父母們和新手爸媽們來參加。 座位有限,敬請向 iccctacoma@gmail.com 電郵報名。

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