Betty Chen 陳玉春

When I first visited our church in 2003, we were still meeting at Highland Hill Baptist Church.  I’ve been looking for a church for a while at that time but haven’t found one I felt connected and belonged to.  Maybe it was because our church was a smaller church; everybody was especially close to one another.  I liked pastor’s sermons, his interpretation and explanation of bible teaching with real life stories.  I also liked all the fun activities we organized.  They help build the community we all can belong and come to enjoy.

I didn’t come to know of Christ until I went to College.  I was first introduced to Christianity by my English professors from Louisiana.  At first I thought of it as superstition, didn’t want to receive its message, plus I felt intimidated by the Revelation part of the Bible.  I thought I could do better with my own youthful effort and hard work.

When I was a child, I didn’t even believe I will ever die.  After I got older enough to understand that everyone eventually dies, it became a great burden in my heart.  And I was afraid.  Who wasn’t?  We’ve all heard of stories in which ordinary people and emperors alike go to extremes to search for ways to prolong their lives to ten thousand years.  After learning that to become a true Christian, and simply by accepting Jesus as our savior, we get to go to heaven and enjoy eternal life within the glory of our God, what a relief I received for my burdened heart!

When I first started coming to church, I was still not a committed believer.  But I was committed to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.  During that time, I was in a part of my life when I started earnestly searching for the purpose of life.  When I was a kid, I seemed to have a purpose to grow up, go to school and study hard.  Then my purpose was to graduate from college and go to the USA.  After I got here, my purpose was to settle down, have a family and kid, work hard to buy a big house and a nice car.  After I accomplished that, I was totally lost.  For some of my friends, their whole purpose was to raise their kids.  Then I  thought after my kid grows up, she is going to repeat what I did and still what’s the purpose?  I pondered over the question time and again, did a lot of research, the answer always points to our Lord, who has a purpose for each and every one of us!  In the Bible, great kings like Solomon found answers in Him to the same question great long time ago!     

I am so glad I found our church and was able to grow spiritually.  I was baptized at our new     church.  And I was so happy my mother decided to accept the Lord too and she was baptized with me that same day!  To me, our church has become an important part of my life.  It is a great place where we can come on a regular basis and refocus our eyes on eternal glory, and involve ourselves and our family in a loving, caring and supporting environment.





當我還是個孩童時,我從不認為我會死。長大以后當我懂得每個人都會死的時候,我心中有了沉重的負擔,我開始害怕,誰又不是這樣的呢? 我們都聽說過無論是平民還是帝王都為尋找千年不老的方法而走極端,當我成為一個真正的基督徒,信仰耶穌為我的救主之後,我懂得有一天我們會來到天堂與偉大的上帝一起同享永生,我心中如釋重負。



我的一些朋友把全身心地撫養小孩視為人生意義,然後我就想當我的小孩長大了,她將重復我的人生,那麼人生的意義又是什麼呢? 我反復思考,多方探索,答案總是從神那里找到,他給每一個人生命的真意義。在聖經中,遠古時代的所羅門王,也在神那里找到同樣的答案。





當我還是個孩童時,我從不認為我會死。長大以后當我懂得每個人都會死的時候,我心中有了沉重的負擔,我開始害怕,誰又不是這樣的呢? 我們都聽說過無論是平民還是帝王都為尋找千年不老的方法而走極端,當我成為一個真正的基督徒,信仰耶穌為我的救主之後,我懂得有一天我們會來到天堂與偉大的上帝一起同享永生,我心中如釋重負。



我的一些朋友把全身心地撫養小孩視為人生意義,然後我就想當我的小孩長大了,她將重復我的人生,那麼人生的意義又是什麼呢? 我反復思考,多方探索,答案總是從神那里找到,他給每一個人生命的真意義。在聖經中,遠古時代的所羅門王,也在神那里找到同樣的答案。
