Pastor and Mrs. Louie act on their commitment to supporting the old and cultivating the young as they guide the church family in programs for senior citizens and children. Church programs are very lively and very well received. In all the church activities, we practice how to love each other and support each other. Our church is really a harmonious family. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to live and to serve in this big family. At church, we diligently study the Bible, put God’s teaching into practice, and share the gospel with friends who come. The church activities are rich and colorful, full of positive energy, and relevant to our daily lives.
牧師師母本著“耆老培幼”的思想,辦的活動很生活化,很受歡迎。在活動中我們彼此相愛,彼此支持,真的是一個和諧的大家庭. 能有機會生活在這個大家庭中事奉, 我真的很高興. 我們聽道,我們也在“耆老培幼”的活動中傳道,行道…… 教會的活動豐富多彩,滿滿的正能量,實實地接著地氣呢.[:zh]牧師師母本著“耆老培幼”的思想,辦的活動很生活化,很受歡迎。在活動中我們彼此相愛,彼此支持,真的是一個和諧的大家庭. 能有機會生活在這個大家庭中事奉, 我真的很高興. 我們聽道,我們也在“耆老培幼”的活動中傳道,行道…… 教會的活動豐富多彩,滿滿的正能量,實實地接著地氣呢.