Steve Morse 莫爾斯

We visited the International Chinese Christian Church of Tacoma a few weeks ago and left feeling part of a family. My wife actually initiated my search for a Chinese Christian Church as we had been attending the Church I grew up in over in Gig Harbor and trying other churches in the area during our annual summer time home leaves the past several years. Well, both my wife Grace and daughter Marlin finally told me that they could not follow the sermons as they were English only (My wife is from China and my daughter and son have both grown up in China). I actually found your Church on the web from here in Beijing in early June so we decided to give it a try.

Upon walking through the door we were welcomed by a number of people including Pastor Douglas who came over and introduced himself. I was surprised to learn that he graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and worked at Boeing for a short time before leaving and getting his Medical Degree. You came along and also mentioned that he recently passed the Bar Exam! I also met a gentleman named Elmer who also used to work at Boeing Auburn.

Pastor’s sermon really inspired us as well as your translation Belinda. You two make a great Team! I was also impressed with actual Hymn books in the pews and the Hymns we sang during the service as well as the choir. I have commented to my wife after visiting a number of churches how things have changed at many churches in that their music sounds more like a rock concert than a hymn so it was a real blessing to be able to sing real hymns and do it in both English and Chinese! During the service Pastor Douglas also showed pictures of some of the recent activities/get togethers that the congregation did and this is another thing that my wife and I have been looking for. We were also impressed with the way the congregation comes together on Saturday’s to take care of the Church building and grounds.

After the service we had lunch with my parents and told them that we had found “our” church! We also had dinner with the Champa’s (Jim is a Boeing Scientist) and told them about our experience. Both my parents and the Champa’s showed up the next Sunday and they/we were all blessed by the fellowship, music and message.

We are all looking forward to our next visit and both you and Pastor Douglas are in our prayers! I would like to close with my two favorite verses, Psalms 37: 4 & 5.

Best regards,
Steve, Grace, Marlin & Samuel

幾個星期前,我們參加了塔可瑪華人基督教會的活動,有一種回到自己家的感覺。我們前些年,每當夏天回來時就去Gig Harbor我自己從小長大的教會或去其他一些本地的教會敬拜。但是我太太Grace和女兒Marlin告訴我她們無法跟上全英文的講道(我太太是中國人,兒女都在中國長大)。太太建議我找尋華人教會,於是今年6月在北京我們上網找到了你們的教會,決定來嘗試一下。

我們期待著下一次回美國時,再回來。我們會為牧師和師母禱告!我想以我最喜歡的兩段經文結束這篇文章。 《詩篇》37:4-5 “又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。當將你的事交託耶和華,並依靠他,他就必成全。”

祝好![:zh]幾個星期前,我們參加了塔可瑪華人基督教會的活動,有一種回到自己家的感覺。我們前些年,每當夏天回來時就去Gig Harbor我自己從小長大的教會或去其他一些本地的教會敬拜。但是我太太Grace和女兒Marlin告訴我她們無法跟上全英文的講道(我太太是中國人,兒女都在中國長大)。太太建議我找尋華人教會,於是今年6月在北京我們上網找到了你們的教會,決定來嘗試一下。

我們期待著下一次回美國時,再回來。我們會為牧師和師母禱告!我想以我最喜歡的兩段經文結束這篇文章。 《詩篇》37:4-5 “又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。當將你的事交託耶和華,並依靠他,他就必成全。”
