1/20/2020 培育家庭系列:電影座談會 Build Up Our Family Series: Movie & Discussion

In 2020, the International Chinese Christian Church is going to focus on “Build Up Our Family.” We plan to have a special event each month on building up our families and marriages based on biblical principles. In the month of January, we have a movie and discussion session featuring a Christian movie “War Room,” emphasizing the power of prayer in setting up a firewall around our families.  On 1/26/2020, 2-5pm, we will have a movie event at church. Snacks and childcare will be provided. 在2020年度,塔可馬華人基督教會將專注於如何以聖經原則“建立我們的家庭”。我們計劃每月舉辦一次特別活動,建立尊基督為主的家庭和婚姻。在在2020年1月6日下午2-5時,我們將舉辦一項電影和討論會,請大家一同觀想一部基督教電影《禱告室》,內容強調在家庭周圍用祈禱力量來建立防火牆。我們將提供點心和托兒服務。

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