May is the month of Mother’s Day. At ICCCT, we will have a special Mother’s Day celebration on May 9th. Following our tradition, children will present flowers to all the mothers and mothers-to-be in our midst. After the ten o’clock service, we will enjoy a slide show presentation, consisted of family photographs sent in by different church families. Our fathers and young people will also present songs and dances to honor our mothers. Fathers are going to prepare a special lunch for all of us to enjoy. Please invite families and friends to join us on that day.5月是母親節。5月9日在華人基督教會,我們將會舉行一個特別的母親節慶祝活動。按著我們的傳統,孩子們要把美麗的鮮花獻給我們中間所有的媽媽和准媽媽。在十點的教會崇拜之後,我們將演示幻燈片跟大家一起分享,其中包括教會中不同的家庭呈現給大家的家庭照片。我們中的父親們和青少年們也將表演歌舞,向我們的母親們表示敬意。父親們將為大家巧製午餐,請邀請家人和朋友參加我們的母親節活動。