We are going to demonstrate how to make zongzi (rice dumplings) on June 5th at 5pm at church. This year, we will feature 3 regional zongzi: Guangxi zongzi, Taiwan zongzi, and our own fruit medley zongzi. The congregation will enjoy the delicious zongzi for lunch on June 6th at noon right after our Sunday school classes.又是一年的端午節快到了。六月五日下午五時,在我們的教堂將舉辦一個“粽子技法大傳授”活動。今年我們將隆重推出三種不同風格的粽子:廣西粽子、臺灣粽子和自創的水果粽子。六月六日的主日聚會完結後,我們大家將一起品嘗美味的粽子大餐。