The International Chinese Christian Church of Tacoma is an independent, community church. It was founded in January 2002 by Pastor and Mrs. Douglas Louie and a small group of Christians. Our pastors, elders, and deacons, exercise servant leadership as we serve the church. We commit to loving God, loving people, studying the Word, practicing the Word, and living a triumphant Christian life. Our congregation first met at the Highland Hill Baptist Church. In 2004, the whole congregation agreed to purchase our current 10,000 square foot building to be our church home . In 2000, we purchased the small house next to our building for additional fellowship space.
Mission Statement:
ICCCT is God-worshiping, bible-believing, gospel-sharing and community-embracing, fundamental in our beliefs and innovative in our approach. Our mission is to bring the Gospel of Christ to our community through caring outreach and relevant ministries. We aim at inspiring people of all ages, different languages, and various dialects to work together. We passionately pray hard, dream big, plan well, and act fast to glorify God and serve His people.
Our Leaders: A group of dedicated elders and deacons lead our church.
塔科馬華人基督教會於二零零年一月,由雷向榮牧師夫婦及一群基督徒於華盛頓州的塔可馬市成立.是一個獨立、無宗派的教會。我們的牧師,長老和執事以僕人的心態領導教會的事工。我們致力於愛神,愛人,聽道,行道,活出得勝的基督徒生命。我們的會眾開始時是在Highland Hill浸信會見面。 2004年,全體會眾同意購買我們現有超過10,000平方英尺的建築物作為我們的教堂。 2000年,我們購買了大樓旁邊的小房子,給我們更多團契的地方。
華人基督教會旨在敬拜上帝,愛主愛人,忠於聖經, 聽道行道, 傳揚基督, 關切社區, 活潑地力行信仰基要。華人基督教會設立的目的在於宣揚耶穌基督的全備福音, 促進基督裡的彼此團契與關懷, 推行切實關注的事工。鼓勵不同年歲, 語言,方言的人士, 同心合力, 多作主工。我們不斷懇切禱告,帶著宏遠抱負, 堅定審慎計劃, 勇敢地迅捷行動, 竭力不倦, 榮神益人。