- The Bible is divinely inspired and inerrant. (Timothy 3: 16–17)
- Man is by nature a sinner from birth. (Psalms 51: 5)
- Jesus Christ was virgin-born, sinless, died on the cross for man’s sins, was raised from the dead on the third day and is coming again. (Matthews 1: 18, Hebrews 4: 15, I Corinthians 15: 3–4, John 14: 3)
- Salvation is a free gift, bestowed by God’s grace and received by faith. (Ephesians 2: 8–9)
- Immersion in water of a professed believer is the Bible baptism (Acts 8: 36–39) and such baptism is symbolic of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. (Romans 6: 1–4)
- The church is the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5: 25–33) and the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12). The local church is governed by godly men known as elders or bishops (Titus 1: 5ff). The purpose of the church on earth is to fulfill the last command of Jesus (Matthews 28: 18–20)
- Christians are endowed with spiritual gifts, which enable them to minister in the church (Ephesians 4: 11ff).
- The Holy Spirit, whom every believer receives at conversion (Ephesians 1: 13–14), leads and guides us
- 聖經是神所默示並無誤的.(提摩太後書 3:16)
- 世人自出生便帶有罪性. (詩篇 51:5)
- 耶穌基督為童貞女所生,潔無罪性,為救贖世人的罪,被釘死在十字架上,三天後復活,將來還要再來.(馬太福音 1:18, 希伯來書 4:15, 哥林多前書 15: 3-4, 約翰福音 14:3)
- 藉著恩,本乎信,神賜世人救恩,這是一份免費的禮物. (以弗所書 2: 8-9)
- 信徒接受浸禮,表明與基督同死,同埋葬,同復活. (使徒行傳 8:36-39, 羅馬書 6: 1-4)
- 教會是基督的新婦 (以弗所書 5:25-33)並基督的身體.(哥林多前書12). 地方教會是由屬靈的長老和監督管理(提多書1:5).教會的目的是要完成神的大使命 (馬太福音 28:18-20).
- 聖靈在信徒接受主時進入信徒的心內來帶領指引我們 (以弗所書 1:13-14)