Steve Morse 莫爾斯
We visited the International Chinese Christian Church of Tacoma a few weeks ago and left feeling part of a family. My wife actually initiated my search for a Chinese Christian Church as we had been attending the Church I grew up in over in Gig Harbor and trying other churches in the area during our annual summer time home leaves the past several years. Well, both my wife Grace and daughter Marlin finally told me that they could not follow the sermons as they were English only (My wife is from China and my daughter and son have both grown up in China). I actually found your Church on the web from here in Beijing in early June so we decided to give it a try.
Upon walking through the door we were welcomed by a number of people including Pastor Douglas who came over and introduced himself. I was surprised to learn that he graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and worked at Boeing for a short time before leaving and getting his Medical Degree. You came along and also mentioned that he recently passed the Bar Exam! I also met a gentleman named Elmer who also used to work at Boeing Auburn.
Pastor’s sermon really inspired us as well as your translation Belinda. You two make a great Team! I was also impressed with actual Hymn books in the pews and the Hymns we sang during the service as well as the choir. I have commented to my wife after visiting a number of churches how things have changed at many churches in that their music sounds more like a rock concert than a hymn so it was a real blessing to be able to sing real hymns and do it in both English and Chinese! During the service Pastor Douglas also showed pictures of some of the recent activities/get togethers that the congregation did and this is another thing that my wife and I have been looking for. We were also impressed with the way the congregation comes together on Saturday’s to take care of the Church building and grounds.
After the service we had lunch with my parents and told them that we had found “our” church! We also had dinner with the Champa’s (Jim is a Boeing Scientist) and told them about our experience. Both my parents and the Champa’s showed up the next Sunday and they/we were all blessed by the fellowship, music and message.
We are all looking forward to our next visit and both you and Pastor Douglas are in our prayers! I would like to close with my two favorite verses, Psalms 37: 4 & 5.
Best regards,
Steve, Grace, Marlin & Samuel
幾個星期前,我們參加了塔可瑪華人基督教會的活動,有一種回到自己家的感覺。我們前些年,每當夏天回來時就去Gig Harbor我自己從小長大的教會或去其他一些本地的教會敬拜。但是我太太Grace和女兒Marlin告訴我她們無法跟上全英文的講道(我太太是中國人,兒女都在中國長大)。太太建議我找尋華人教會,於是今年6月在北京我們上網找到了你們的教會,決定來嘗試一下。
我們期待著下一次回美國時,再回來。我們會為牧師和師母禱告!我想以我最喜歡的兩段經文結束這篇文章。 《詩篇》37:4-5 “又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。當將你的事交託耶和華,並依靠他,他就必成全。”
祝好![:zh]幾個星期前,我們參加了塔可瑪華人基督教會的活動,有一種回到自己家的感覺。我們前些年,每當夏天回來時就去Gig Harbor我自己從小長大的教會或去其他一些本地的教會敬拜。但是我太太Grace和女兒Marlin告訴我她們無法跟上全英文的講道(我太太是中國人,兒女都在中國長大)。太太建議我找尋華人教會,於是今年6月在北京我們上網找到了你們的教會,決定來嘗試一下。
我們期待著下一次回美國時,再回來。我們會為牧師和師母禱告!我想以我最喜歡的兩段經文結束這篇文章。 《詩篇》37:4-5 “又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。當將你的事交託耶和華,並依靠他,他就必成全。”
Xiao Yan Xu 徐曉燕
Spring in Seattle arrives very late. Outside the rain is falling, my heart also falls and rises, but I cannot find peace and joy with the soft sound of the falling rain. When my doctor told me that she has tried everything and cannot help me anymore, I just felt numb and lost. I did not feel particularly sad, maybe because I already expected the worst, I did not have any option except to accept the fact. After we got home, my husband tried to comfort me. He said we still could look for other doctors, try experimental medicines, he will support me all the way till we find the best new medicine for me. But what I feared most was to drag him down and burden him more. I just really wanted to leave this world of sufferings and tortures soon and follow God to His beautiful home. Looking at his loving eyes filled with sadness, I could not expect more. Life is such, what else can I expect?
Due to allergies to medications, fever and pneumonia, I was very tired and so weak that it became a challenge to take a step. People from Herald Cancer Care Association called me to encourage me to hold on. When they heard that I live in Seattle area with just my husband, they understand our difficult situation and asked me if it is okay to invite local church friends to care and visit me. I really appreciated the offer, because I was scared of being lonely and sick. Even though I have not been baptized, but I believe deep in my heart, I am a Christian. Since I first started going to church in February 2009, I have really enjoyed the church atmosphere, loved being together with brothers and sisters at church. Because later I returned to China and found out I had cancer and started cancer treatment there, I have not had a chance to return to the church. But the brothers and sisters from the church in America did not forget me, they have been calling me, praying for me constantly. I really felt their love. In order to search for better treatment, I came back to the States in December 2010, but my effort was in vain, there was no other better treatment for me. My cancer was spreading very quickly, there was no way to control it. But I have overcome the fear of death when I first faced the news of cancer. I know God will lead me down his glorious path, if I trust in Him, I will be saved. I am at peace, I do not fear death. Meantime, I have tried to attend a local church close to us, but I did not fit in, I gave up going to church and lost interest in reading the Bible alone. But I have kept up my prayers, because I want to pour out my sorrow and my struggles to my Lord and I need his blessings and guidance.
To my surprise, after Herald Cancer Association (San Francisco) called me, I received a call from International Chinese Christian Church’s pastor’s wife Belinda the same evening. She left a message telling me she would for sure visit me the next day. I was really excited, I was also so touched that she reacted so quickly. Belinda came the next day in the afternoon with her daughter. Surprisingly the pain and itch I felt before all disappeared when they were here. I was able to talk to them sitting up in bed. I was really surprised because before then I had trouble just to turn in bed. With the encouragement from pastor’s wife, I felt confidence again. When I said my first prayer that night, I heard a voice telling me “if you want to be saved, you must save yourself first”, and heard the voice the second time again, very clearly in my mind later. I knew God was talking to me. So I told my husband that I needed to go to the ER. Very quickly I received help at the ER and many of my symptoms subsided and I felt much better. In later days after that, more surprisingly, I received many phone calls and visits to my hospital room and home from other church brothers and sisters, I was very moved. With their comforting words, they also brought my favorite soups and desserts, they made me feel so special. For a long time I have not felt the love and warmth I had experienced from the loving care of these brothers and sisters of this church. I also received many cards from them, which I read with tears in my eyes. I am just an ordinary little woman but I received so much love, care and prayers from so many people. I could only say they are God sent, they are God’s angels providing me with encouragement and courage. I pray and give thanks to God for all his blessings and of this great and selfless love that I have never experienced before. Based on my background and education, I have always had doubt and never really learned how to love others, I have learned so much from these church brothers and sisters, I was deeply humbled and shamed. People may have love, but to persevere with love for long periods of time is especially precious. This doctrine is so different from what I experienced with other religions. But God is full of this wonderful love and He brings me endless joy and peace. I will lift my eyes upon my Lord, and wait upon Him who is my savior, and He will deliver me.
沒有料到的是,當天角聲的關懷電話之後,塔可馬華人基督教會的雷師母的電話就在當晚來到了,留言告訴我第二天必定要來探訪我,我心裡一陣激動,沒想到師母如此之快的反映,內心十分不能平靜。第二天下午雷師母帶著她的女兒來探訪我,真沒料到在這之前的難受和騷癢都停止了。我坐在床上,居然可以和她們聊上幾句,令我自己吃驚不小。因為在這之前我根本連翻身都很困難。得到師母的鼓勵,我信心倍增,當晚第一次祈禱的時候感覺有一個聲音在告訴我,“你要想得救,必先自救。”,非常清晰可見,我知道神給了我話語。我從內心拒絕去醫院,但是既然主要求我這麼做。我於是告訴我先生我要去急救室。很快的,在急救室得到了救助,身上的症狀消失很多,讓我精神也好了很多。更沒有想到的是,接下來,華人基督教會的兄弟姐妹一個個電話和醫院、家庭的探訪,讓我感動萬分。他們給我帶來可口的湯水和甜美的零食,還有那關懷的話語,讓我受寵若驚。這麼久以來,從來沒有感受到的愛和溫暖在這教會的兄弟姐妹們的關懷中變得那麼的美好和幸福。一張張問候的卡片寄到了家裡,我邊看邊流淚。我一個平凡的小女子, 何德何能竟有這麼多人們關心著我,擔心著我,為我祈福。我只能說這是主帶給我的。他們都是天使,給我鼓舞和勇氣,我只能祈禱感謝主賜予這麼多的愛,那種無私的愛,跟我以前所接觸的完全不一樣。由於自己的背景加上教育的關係,我一直遲疑,從未學到過如何去愛別人,但是華人基督教會的兄弟姐妹教會了我太多的東西,令我無地自容。人是有愛心的,但貴在堅持,持之以恆。這種教義跟我以前所接觸到的宗教不太一樣。但是神凝聚著這美好的愛,帶給我無盡的平安和喜樂。我要仰望耶和華,要等候那救我的神,我的神必應允我。[:zh]西雅圖的春天來的十分的晚,窗外的雨聲滴滴答答,我的心起起落落。伴隨這雨聲,一點也讓我平靜快樂不起來。當主治醫生告訴我,她已經沒有任何的醫療幫助我了,我極其茫然,心裡也不痛苦難過,因為早已預料了最壞的結果,不接受也由不得我。回到家中,先生安慰著我,說我們還可以到別的醫院去做新藥的實驗,他會全力以赴的支持我找到最合適的新藥。可是我心裡最怕的就是成為他的負擔,拖累他。我真的想快點離開這塵世,離開這痛苦的折磨,跟隨主到美好的地方去。看著他充滿激情、憂愁、難過的雙眼,我還能求什麼呢,人生如此,夫復何求?
沒有料到的是,當天角聲的關懷電話之後,塔可馬華人基督教會的雷師母的電話就在當晚來到了,留言告訴我第二天必定要來探訪我,我心裡一陣激動,沒想到師母如此之快的反映,內心十分不能平靜。第二天下午雷師母帶著她的女兒來探訪我,真沒料到在這之前的難受和騷癢都停止了。我坐在床上,居然可以和她們聊上幾句,令我自己吃驚不小。因為在這之前我根本連翻身都很困難。得到師母的鼓勵,我信心倍增,當晚第一次祈禱的時候感覺有一個聲音在告訴我,“你要想得救,必先自救。”,非常清晰可見,我知道神給了我話語。我從內心拒絕去醫院,但是既然主要求我這麼做。我於是告訴我先生我要去急救室。很快的,在急救室得到了救助,身上的症狀消失很多,讓我精神也好了很多。更沒有想到的是,接下來,華人基督教會的兄弟姐妹一個個電話和醫院、家庭的探訪,讓我感動萬分。他們給我帶來可口的湯水和甜美的零食,還有那關懷的話語,讓我受寵若驚。這麼久以來,從來沒有感受到的愛和溫暖在這教會的兄弟姐妹們的關懷中變得那麼的美好和幸福。一張張問候的卡片寄到了家裡,我邊看邊流淚。我一個平凡的小女子, 何德何能竟有這麼多人們關心著我,擔心著我,為我祈福。我只能說這是主帶給我的。他們都是天使,給我鼓舞和勇氣,我只能祈禱感謝主賜予這麼多的愛,那種無私的愛,跟我以前所接觸的完全不一樣。由於自己的背景加上教育的關係,我一直遲疑,從未學到過如何去愛別人,但是華人基督教會的兄弟姐妹教會了我太多的東西,令我無地自容。人是有愛心的,但貴在堅持,持之以恆。這種教義跟我以前所接觸到的宗教不太一樣。但是神凝聚著這美好的愛,帶給我無盡的平安和喜樂。我要仰望耶和華,要等候那救我的神,我的神必應允我。 [:]
Betty Chen 陳玉春
When I first visited our church in 2003, we were still meeting at Highland Hill Baptist Church. I’ve been looking for a church for a while at that time but haven’t found one I felt connected and belonged to. Maybe it was because our church was a smaller church; everybody was especially close to one another. I liked pastor’s sermons, his interpretation and explanation of bible teaching with real life stories. I also liked all the fun activities we organized. They help build the community we all can belong and come to enjoy.
I didn’t come to know of Christ until I went to College. I was first introduced to Christianity by my English professors from Louisiana. At first I thought of it as superstition, didn’t want to receive its message, plus I felt intimidated by the Revelation part of the Bible. I thought I could do better with my own youthful effort and hard work.
When I was a child, I didn’t even believe I will ever die. After I got older enough to understand that everyone eventually dies, it became a great burden in my heart. And I was afraid. Who wasn’t? We’ve all heard of stories in which ordinary people and emperors alike go to extremes to search for ways to prolong their lives to ten thousand years. After learning that to become a true Christian, and simply by accepting Jesus as our savior, we get to go to heaven and enjoy eternal life within the glory of our God, what a relief I received for my burdened heart!
When I first started coming to church, I was still not a committed believer. But I was committed to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ. During that time, I was in a part of my life when I started earnestly searching for the purpose of life. When I was a kid, I seemed to have a purpose to grow up, go to school and study hard. Then my purpose was to graduate from college and go to the USA. After I got here, my purpose was to settle down, have a family and kid, work hard to buy a big house and a nice car. After I accomplished that, I was totally lost. For some of my friends, their whole purpose was to raise their kids. Then I thought after my kid grows up, she is going to repeat what I did and still what’s the purpose? I pondered over the question time and again, did a lot of research, the answer always points to our Lord, who has a purpose for each and every one of us! In the Bible, great kings like Solomon found answers in Him to the same question great long time ago!
I am so glad I found our church and was able to grow spiritually. I was baptized at our new church. And I was so happy my mother decided to accept the Lord too and she was baptized with me that same day! To me, our church has become an important part of my life. It is a great place where we can come on a regular basis and refocus our eyes on eternal glory, and involve ourselves and our family in a loving, caring and supporting environment.
當我還是個孩童時,我從不認為我會死。長大以后當我懂得每個人都會死的時候,我心中有了沉重的負擔,我開始害怕,誰又不是這樣的呢? 我們都聽說過無論是平民還是帝王都為尋找千年不老的方法而走極端,當我成為一個真正的基督徒,信仰耶穌為我的救主之後,我懂得有一天我們會來到天堂與偉大的上帝一起同享永生,我心中如釋重負。
我的一些朋友把全身心地撫養小孩視為人生意義,然後我就想當我的小孩長大了,她將重復我的人生,那麼人生的意義又是什麼呢? 我反復思考,多方探索,答案總是從神那里找到,他給每一個人生命的真意義。在聖經中,遠古時代的所羅門王,也在神那里找到同樣的答案。
當我還是個孩童時,我從不認為我會死。長大以后當我懂得每個人都會死的時候,我心中有了沉重的負擔,我開始害怕,誰又不是這樣的呢? 我們都聽說過無論是平民還是帝王都為尋找千年不老的方法而走極端,當我成為一個真正的基督徒,信仰耶穌為我的救主之後,我懂得有一天我們會來到天堂與偉大的上帝一起同享永生,我心中如釋重負。
我的一些朋友把全身心地撫養小孩視為人生意義,然後我就想當我的小孩長大了,她將重復我的人生,那麼人生的意義又是什麼呢? 我反復思考,多方探索,答案總是從神那里找到,他給每一個人生命的真意義。在聖經中,遠古時代的所羅門王,也在神那里找到同樣的答案。
Irene Uy 黃佩珠
“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power.”
(Ephesians 1:19) I am very blessed that God answered my prayer by bringing me to a loving and caring church. My good friends Frank and Nancy introduced me to the International Chinese Christian Church of Tacoma (ICCCT), which is under the care of Pastor and Mrs. Louie.
Since I started attending the ICCCT, I have been receiving much love and caring from the pastor and other church members. Church is just like a big family, which brings me much joy and comfort. Indeed the Bible is so true when it says that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
My husband, Peter, and I came to the United States from the Philippines after our retirement. We deeply miss our relatives and friends back home. We especially miss our home church, where we sang hymns, studied the bible, and shared the good news with the community.
It is such a tremendous blessing that God has provided me a church home in the Tacoma area. Mrs. Louie’s sister and parents pick me up every Sunday to go to church. The sermons of Pastor’s Louie enrich my life and bring much comfort to my soul. Every Sunday is like a family reunion. I am immersed in the love and comfort of being part of a church family Pastor Louie’s sermons, with illustrations and real-life examples, help me understand not only God’s word, but also how to apply the teaching in my own life. Pastor Louie delivers the sermon in English, while Mrs. Louie provides the translation in Mandarin. Their seamless collaboration helps both the English- and the Chinese-speaking congregation to learn from the bible.
I love our church. I love the unity and the togetherness among the church members. I love the way that we sing together. I love the whole church prayer meeting that we talk to God as one voice. People of different ages, different languages, and different dialects pray together: for those who are sick, for those who are traveling, for those who experience hardship, for those who are looking for jobs, for all of the families, and for the community around us. We deeply believe in the power of prayer, especially when we come together to pray in unity. The harmony that I experience at church nourishes my loneliness and my needy soul.
I have been attending the International Chinese Christian Church for quite a while. I can hardly express how happy I am with our church life. In addition to the spiritual food that I obtain from the sermons and the Sunday school classes, I also love the delicious lunches every Sunday. It is really fun to talk and to eat hotpot, dumplings, and all the delightful dishes. Different families take turn to cook, offering a wide range of home recipes. I also enjoy the all American brunch that the young people prepared on Father’s Day. There are all kinds of activities and services that we can get involved. For me, I enjoy singing in the choir. All in all, I am glad to be a part of this caring and loving church. We learn together, we share together, and together we experience God’s bountiful love.
神的能力向著我們這些信的人,是何等超越浩大.”(以弗所書1:19) 慈愛的天父垂聽禱告引領我,認識了和善友好的畢女士及河琦先生,他們介紹我到塔可馬華人基督教會,認識了雷向榮牧師和雷吳潤瑛師母。
自從參加教會,雷牧師、師母及教會大家庭無微不至的愛戴與關懷,受益良深,感恩喜樂湧進我心,這是神的恩典和應許,“我們曉得萬事都互相劾力,叫愛神的人得益處”(羅馬書 8:28)
漂泊萬里,與夫君 Peter離別家鄉,晚年移居美國。悽身海外,更是思鄉情濃,懷念親友。菲律賓馬尼拉樹日街華人教會是我們屬靈的家,我們主內兄弟姐妹們齊齊敬拜讚美神,為主作見證,傳福音。
定居於塔可馬市的我, 每逢主日,得到師母的幼妹及父母親,遠途開車,接送我到教會參加主日崇拜,享受牧師的證道,使我的生命得到培養,心靈得到安慰。又得到教會朋友不斷的關懷和愛心的供應,心裏有說不完的歡欣和感謝。
我愛我們的教會。我愛我們的同心。我愛我們的高聲歌唱。我愛我們崇拜後的禱告會。整個教會,老老少少,講英語的,講漢語的,我們同心禱告: 為生病的人,為出門的人,為工作的人,為遭遇的困難的人,為著老人家,為著孩子們,為著各人的家庭,為著所住的社區。深深知道眾人同心的禱告,是大有能力的。在教會裏,我有一種從未有過的親切感與踏實,如同喝飽泉水那麼甘甜,從心底湧流出來,給乾枯獨居的我,在生命和心田都得到滋潤。
福音真理, 淵遠流長, 譜寫生命樂章,神愛滿在人間[:zh]神的能力向著我們這些信的人,是何等超越浩大.”(以弗所書1:19) 慈愛的天父垂聽禱告引領我,認識了和善友好的畢女士及河琦先生,他們介紹我到塔可馬華人基督教會,認識了雷向榮牧師和雷吳潤瑛師母。
自從參加教會,雷牧師、師母及教會大家庭無微不至的愛戴與關懷,受益良深,感恩喜樂湧進我心,這是神的恩典和應許,“我們曉得萬事都互相劾力,叫愛神的人得益處”(羅馬書 8:28)
漂泊萬里,與夫君 Peter離別家鄉,晚年移居美國。悽身海外,更是思鄉情濃,懷念親友。菲律賓馬尼拉樹日街華人教會是我們屬靈的家,我們主內兄弟姐妹們齊齊敬拜讚美神,為主作見證,傳福音。
定居於塔可馬市的我, 每逢主日,得到師母的幼妹及父母親,遠途開車,接送我到教會參加主日崇拜,享受牧師的證道,使我的生命得到培養,心靈得到安慰。又得到教會朋友不斷的關懷和愛心的供應,心裏有說不完的歡欣和感謝。
我愛我們的教會。我愛我們的同心。我愛我們的高聲歌唱。我愛我們崇拜後的禱告會。整個教會,老老少少,講英語的,講漢語的,我們同心禱告: 為生病的人,為出門的人,為工作的人,為遭遇的困難的人,為著老人家,為著孩子們,為著各人的家庭,為著所住的社區。深深知道眾人同心的禱告,是大有能力的。在教會裏,我有一種從未有過的親切感與踏實,如同喝飽泉水那麼甘甜,從心底湧流出來,給乾枯獨居的我,在生命和心田都得到滋潤。
福音真理, 淵遠流長, 譜寫生命樂章,神愛滿在人間[:]