Photography workshop in youth meeting on 4/3/22, 12-1:30pm
A fun and meaningful time for the young and the young at heart to learn how to use photography to express themselves and to capture their feelings. Sofia Shultz has graciously agreed to provide a photography workshop on Sunday, April 3rd, after Sunday service at noon. Lunch will be provided. We will set up RSVP on the church webpage next week. Mrs. Louie will provide a short devotional on seeing the world through the Lenses of the Lord.
Greetings from Sofia:
Hi, my name is Sofia Shultz(李务喜). I was born and raised in Jiangmen, Guangdong province of China. In 2020, before Covid hit, my husband Daniel and I decided to move back to the US and we fell in love with Tacoma! In the same year, I started my photography business as a portrait photographer. Please feel free to check out my social media profile: @sofiashultzphotography
用攝影照片來展現自己的內心世界,並表達個人的情感,是一件對青少年來說既生動有趣又意義非凡的活動。 Sofia Shultz將於4月3日星期天主日敬拜之後(12點開始)非常熱情地為我們提供一場攝影研討會。教會有午餐提供。請大家下週開始在網上預定參加。雷師母將為大家準備一個短靈修—以神的鏡頭來看待世界。
大家好!我叫Sofia Shultz(李務喜)。我們出生並生長在中國廣東江門。 2020年,疫情爆發之前,我和先生Daniel決定搬回美國,我們便愛上了Tacoma! 同一年,我作為一名肖像攝影師開始了我的攝影業務。歡迎大家瀏覽我的社交媒體資料:@sofiashultzphotography. Please RSVP at