Our church sponsors 3 Chinese Bible Study Fellowship groups and one English Bible Study Fellowship group during 2021 – 2022 . We study the Gospel of Matthew. Please join us for a great year of thoughtful and in-depth study of God’s Word. There will be one daytime group led by Betty (Tuesday 1:30-3pm) and 2 evening online groups led by Jenny (Monday 7-8:30 pm) and Vivian (7-8:30pm). Mrs. Louie will assume a new role as the assistant trainer to provide online leader training to Chinese-speaking group leaders. She will lead an English BSF group on Tuesday from 7 to 8:30pm.中文聖經研讀團契2021-2022是一個屬靈學習的美好學年,我們研讀的書卷是《馬太福音》。我們安排四個時段的網上zoom學習。一個網上白天時段(由Betty帶領, 1:30-3:00)。两個網上晚上時段(由Jenny和Vivian帶領,周一晚上 7-8:30,周二晚上 7-8:30, )。雷師母在2021-2022 培訓中文聖經研讀團契查經組長,她在教会带领周二晚上7 -8:30 的英语聖經研讀團契查经班。