聖經研讀團契查經班將於9月中旬開始。 這將又是一個屬靈學習的美好學年,我們2023-2024年研讀的書卷是《約翰福音》。我們安排三個時段的網上zoom學習。一個網上白天時段(中文班星期二下午1:00 到 2:30)。两個網上晚上時段(中文班星期三晚上6:30 到 8:00, 英文班星期三晚上7:00 到 8:00 )。 如果你有興趣參加,請聯送電子郵件到 iccctacoma@gmail.com。Our church will sponsor 3 Bible Study Fellowship groups in the coming year. We will study the Gospel of John. Please join us for another year of thoughtful and in-depth study of God’s Word. There will be one daytime online group (Chinese BSF group on Tuesdays 1- 2:30pm) and 2 evening online groups (Chinese BSF group on Wednesdays 6:30 – 8pm, English BSF group on Wednesdays 7 – 8pm). If you are interested, please email us at iccctacoma@gmail.com