In 2005, we purchased a building of over 10,000 sq ft in the scenic Ruston neighborhood steps away from the Point Defiance Park. Right after the purchase, we started a series of remodeling projects. While the commercial contractors took care of the major tasks such as the fire sprinkler system and the electrical overhaul, church members painted the interior and the exterior of the building. New doors and windows were installed. A new playground was built within the screened fence at the back. A mirrored activity room was put in the sunlight basement. All the restrooms received refreshing facelifts. The church building now houses three other organizations: the Ruston Christian Childcare and Preschool, the only licensed daycare providing Chinese language enrichment in Pierce County; the Evergreen Chinese Academy, a fully accredited Chinese language school for adults and children; and the Chinese Community Center, a 501(c)3 nonprofit service group. In February 2010, we acquired the adjacent property. With the newly planted cherry trees and flower baskets, our church continues to strengthen the community by our physical presence and our faithful work.
我們在2005年,於風景秀麗的Ruston區、離Point Defiance公園幾步之遙的地方, 購買了一座超過10,000平方呎的建築物。搬堂以後, 我們開始了一系列的裝修改造工程。商業承建商安裝了自動噴水消防系統和電力檢修等主要項目; 教會成員同心合力完成了教會內部和外部的油漆粉刷工作, 裝上新的門窗, 翻新了所有衛生間,並在教會後面新建了一個美觀的活動場, 在陽光地下室的墻上裝了鏡子供大家學習太極及其他活動使用。教會面貌因修整而煥然一新。三個不同的機構現時使用教會的基址:Ruston幼兒院 (是本縣唯一獲政府認許並提供漢語教學的幼兒園),長青中文學院 (一個資格完全認可的中文教育課程),以及華人社區中心(一個501(c)3非牟利服務組織)。在2010年2月,我們購下相鄰的房子, 在園子裏種植了櫻花樹和花籃。我們的教會,以堅定的信仰和身體力行的精神,孜孜不倦地支持美化社區。[:]